NEW CONTENT is published regularly.

Check out the different videos
honoring veterans.
Click here.

Take A Minute To Read:
What You Need To Know When Dealing
With Debt Consolidation
Click here.

How to Make Your Business Stand Out in a Competitive Market
Click here.

A Message For Single Parents At Christmas
(Can also apply to Chanukkah)
Click here.

Higher Love
Jessica & Jackley Aslan
Interfaith Mariage
Click here.

Happy Labor Day! Check out this video The History of Labor Day
Click here.

Gordon Ramsey's Perfect Burger Tutorial -
Click here.

A Memorial Day Tribute
Thank You For Your Service
(A Moment of Truth)
Click here.

Take a minute to read: On Being Your Own

Find Out How Successful People Think
So You May Be Successful Too
Click here.

Surprise Yourself:
Take Advantage Of These Tips
On Personal Development
Click here

Martin Luther King Day
What you might not have known.
Click here.


Chanukah (or Hanukkah) content. Click here.

Man Has Cooked Thanksgiving Dinner For Strangers for Over 33 Years
And more Thanksgiving-related videos!
Click here.

Why Be Thankful
- Click here.

Do Not Teach a Starving Man to Fish
Click here.

Making Global Labor Fair
Click here.

Read: Expressing Anger
Click here.

Check out these special videos.
Click here.

Cooking Secrets That Make Everyone A Great Chef
Click Here.

Playing 'Hide & Seek'
Click Here.

Check out this video: 3 Tips to Avoid Fighting with Your Partner
Over Household Chores
Click here.

Teach your children that violence is not an answer to your grievances.
That your wishes for what really occurs in life does not alter reality.
That you are not entitled to break the law,
and if you do, be willing to face the consequences for your actions.
Don't preach being moral without actually behaving in a moral manner.

Surprise Yourself: Take Advantage Of These Tips On Personal Development
Click here.

Simple and Effective Interior Home Design Solutions
Click here.

Election 2020 Facts: Voter rights on Election Day
By the Associated Press
Click here.

Rosh Hashanah begins Friday,
September 17, 2020, at sundown.
Check out this great explanation.
And the link to services that will stream, worldwide!

Simplifying The Car Shopping Process For You
Click here.

Professional Tips To Landing A Job Now
Click here.

Is Forex A Part of Your Investment Portfolio?
Click here.

Celebrate Father's Day!
Check out the special videos here.
There are many great men who
should not be confused
with those who are not.

Operation Song
Remembering this Memorial Day 2020
Click here.

Take A Minute To Read:
Corporate Branding - Will they remember you?

COVID-19: What Older Adults
Need to Know

How to speak so that people want to listen | Julian Treasure
Click here.

Take A Minute To Read:
Co-working: What’s the big deal?
Click here.

The Dark Side of Charisma --
Mike Albo -- TED Ideas

Negotiations: The Art, Science, & Sport of Online Deals

Holiday Stress
Click here.

Different Religious Views
Click here

What Causes Male Pattern Baldness
Click here.


What Is Rosh Hashanah?
Click here.

Watch this entertaining and timely video that has had over 40 million views!
This is what happens when you reply to spam email |
Click here.

Take a minute to read Don't Do It!

Check out this video: Former FBI Agent Explains How to Read Body Language | Tradecraft | WIRED
Click here.

Take a minute to read: 8 Common Recruiting Mistakes made by Security Companies

Memorial Day's Message Should Last Year Long

Check out this video: 12 Things That Ruin a First Impression Immediately

Take a minute to read: 3 Little-Known Reasons Why Some People Cheat In Relationships

Take a minute to read
Authors, Stop Blaming (Primarily) Men For Relationship Problems!

Take a minute to read Okay, so you messed up. Now what?

Take a minute to read ALWAYS LATE

Take a minute to read 5 Rules For Divorced Dads

View this and be changed - #WorldRefugeeDay
Check out these videos for: For Father's Day
Check out this video: Dolph Lundgren | On healing and forgiveness
Check out this video: "Blue Smoke" Chef Demos Delicious & Healthy Grilling Recipe
Check out this video The Boy Crisis: A Sobering Look at the State of Our Boys
Warren Farrell Ph.D. { TEDxMarin
Take a minute to read A Different Type Of Valentine's Day Message
Take a minute to read Changing Their Ways
Take a minute to read Always Getting Your Way
Job Scams | Federal Trade Commission
Take a minute to read Home Staging - an essential merchandising tool for resale
Take a minute to read Apologies
Take a minute to read A 'WEIGHTY' MATTER
Take a minute to read How Some Couples 'Make It Work' (Part 1)
Take a minute to read Secrets
By Russell A. Irving
Take a minute to read: The
'Other' Green Monster
Take a minute to read A NEW YEAR'S TOP 10 LIST OF THINGS TO DO
Take a minute to read Playing 'Hide and Seek'
Watch: Assorted Guys Doing Thanksgiving Dinner!
(And then some... Seewhat we mean... )
Take a few minutes to watch When They Act Like A Fool
Take a few minutes to watch The Electoral College -
What Actually Determines The Next U.S. President
Take a minute to read When A Past Lover Was Better
Take a few minutes to watch Bass Fishing for Beginners: The Bass
Take a few minutes to read DANGER!
Take a minute to watch Top 10 Veterans in NFL History:
Roger Staubach, Chuck Bednarik, Pat Tillman & More!
Take a minute to watch Raising A Child Of Possibility: Hugh Weber at TEDxFargo
Take a minute to read Believe That Your Marriage Will Last
Take a minute to watch America's Got Talent 2015 S10E07 DADitude Middle Aged Dance Group
Take a minute to watch Risks Associated With Alcohol Abuse - Men's Health Pitch
Take a minute to watch Men in Nursing
Take a minute to read Sometimes, We Misread Others
Take a minute to watch Philip Zimbardo: The demise of guys?
Take a minute to watch Wegmans Slow-Roasted BBQ Pulled Pork & Scallops Butter Smoked on the grill by the BBQ Pit Boys
Take a minute to read Name Calling Should Empower You??
Take a minute to read When Trying To Be Nice, Or... Doesn't Pay Off
Take a minute to watch A Veteran's special & unusual request for July 4th
Take a minute to watch Detective goes from man's man to family man
Take a minute to watch Assorted Father's Day Recipes
Take a minute to watch "Dad's Life" (Official Father's Day Anthem)
Take a minute to watch 5 Grilling Mistakes to Avoid
Take a minute to watch Julian Treasure: How to speak so that people want to listen
Take a minute to watch RUN. HIDE. FIGHT.® Surviving an Active Shooter Event
Take a minute to watch Understand Passion. What is your Vocational Passion?
Take a minute to watch Grandfathers Raising Their Grandchildren
UPDATE: Take a minute to read Sexual Assault On Campus
(One of Many Viewpoints)
Take a minute to watch Is College Worth It?
Take a minute to watch Help our Homeless Veterans
Take a minute to read Sexual Assault On Campus
(One of Many Viewpoints)
Take a minute or two to watch 2 very different Father's Day videos One funny and one serious
See more articles and videos listed below.

Articles, Commentaries...
Send to us by clicking the icon. 
We ask for honesty. - We do not ask that your words are strung together, perfectly. - We ask for both positive experiences and thoughts, as well as those which keep you awake at night, perhaps with an emptiness burning in your heart. - We ask for heartfelt beliefs, not what you believe others want you to say.
Your submission can be written as if a letter, an anecdote, or short 'essay'.
Your submissions, if posted/ published, will include only your first name and state, as an 'i.d.'. We ask that you are honest and sincere. - We do not allow profanities, hate speech, or sexually explicit material.

This book has received great reviews by bloggers on 3 continents!
And has been the subject of over 26 talk show interviews in the U.S. & Overseas!
Order your copy of Improve Your Marriage - Don't Overlook The Obvious from this website!
Or, from or Barnes & Noble or...

Take a minute to read: Allow Step-Parents to Parent
Take a minute to read Colin Farrell Credits Fatherhood...
Take a minute to read REVENGE AFTER A BREAK-UP
Take a minute to read Over 50 Golfer? 3 Solutions to Improve Golf Ball Contact
Take a minute to read Sex on the 1st date Or...
Take a minute to read Too Much Honesty
Take a minute to read How Is Nagging Working For You
Take a minute to read Breaking Up IS Hard To Do
Take a minute to read Bedroom Success
Take a minute to read Job Or Family Time?
Take a minute to read Sex, On The 1st Date or Where Are The Decent Men To Be Found?
Take a minute to read Arguing Is Justified?
Take a minute to read How Dare They Approach You Or Stare At You
Take a minute to read The Secret Of Attracting A Date/ Mate
Visit if you are married or in longterm relationship!

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Wish that women understood you better? * Fed-up with negative stereotypes of men? *
Want to express your opinions on important topics of the day, without
Eager to share valuable life lessons?
Well, this site is the place where you can express
yourself and share your thoughts and feelings with
others. We know that there is no such thing as
an absolute 'Male Point of View'; so don't be afraid to say what's on your mind. We invite you to
share your thoughts and experiences. It might make a difference in the
life of someone else who thought that they were the only man who felt that way.
Women are invited to the site, in order to
see how men really view life, issues of the day, and romance. And, perhaps, to
improve the quality of their relations with the men in their
Ultimately, we hope to compile many of your views on
assorted topics and publish them, so that we can better educate both genders and
improve the lives of men, including you!
Articles, Commentaries...
Send to us by clicking the icon. 
We ask for honesty. - We do not ask that your words are strung together, perfectly. - We ask for both positive experiences and thoughts, as
well as those which keep you awake at night, perhaps with an emptiness burning in your
heart. - We ask for heartfelt beliefs, not what you believe others want you to
Your submission can be written as if a letter, an
anecdote, or short 'essay'.
Your submissions, if posted/ published, will include only
your first name and state, as an 'i.d.'. We ask that you are honest and sincere.
- We do not allow profanities, hate speech, or sexually explicit